Turkey, thanks to its strategic position and convenient geographical conditions, is one of the leading countries of the world in the areas of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Approximately 40% of the lands of Turkey are convenient for agriculture. And, this enables the production of a great variety of products on this large area, such as meat and meat products, dairy products, aqua-cultural resources, legumes, grains and fruits and vegetables.

Our Country has gained an extremely suitable position for both national and international investors for investments to be made into this sector thanks to its major characteristics, such as the government support for Food, Agriculture and Livestock investments, convenient climate conditions for Plant Production and production efficiency which increases with the development of Technology.

Our Company providing a variety of services with its experts specialized in this sector is ready to provide integrated CONSULTANCY and ENGINEERING services in the following areas to the investors wishing to make investment in the sector.


Plant Production
Production of Field Crops
Production of Vegetables-Fruits
Production of Fodder Plants
Production of Ornamental Plants
Production of Mushroom
Greenhouse Cultivation
Stock Farming
Sheep and Goat Breeding
Poultry Farming
Bee Keeping
Rabbit Breeding
Fishery Production
Agricultural Irrigation
Pressure Irrigation Systems
Intra-Agricultural Irrigation Systems
Springer Irrigation Method
Drip Irrigation Method
Drainage Systems
Agricultural Industry
Milk and Dairy Products Processing Plant
Meat and Meat Products Processing Plant
Poultry Slaughter House and Processing Plant
Vegetable Oil Production Plant
Legumes Processing and Packing Plant
Fishery Processing Plant
Corn Processing Plant
Honey Processing and Packing Plants
Özel Ağaçlandırma ve Aromatik Bitki Yetiştiriciliği
Devletin Hüküm ve Tasarrufu altındaki hazine arazileri ile Orman Genel Müdürlüğünün Özel ağaçlandırmaya(Fındık, Fıstık, Badem ve Ceviz gibi sert kabuklu meyveler) ve aromatik bitki yetiştiriciliğine açtığı ve açacağı alanlarda gerçekleştirilecek projelerde MÜHENDİSLİK VE MÜŞAVİRLİK hizmetleri verilmektedir.
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